Rebelde Way


Rebelde Way in Gran Rex

Friday 12/09/03 - 21hs

Saturday 13/09/03 - 18hs & 21hs

Saturday 27/09/03 - 18hs & 21hs

Sunday 28/09/03 - 18hs


Rebelde Way 2 cards



On 15/04/03 ERREWAY's 2º cd called TIEMPO was released.

(Includes "Te soñé" from the first season).


Rebelde Way in Israel


Luisana, Camila, Felipe & Benjamín (with the rest of the Rebelde Way's cast) were in Israel from 12 up to 28/04/03. Luisana arrived before (09/04/03) to take pics in bikini.

They played 16 shows in a Tel Aviv's arena with a 10.000 people capacity.

Sold out.

Watch Rebelde Way in internet

Monday to Friday 20hs by Channel 9.

10/03 Rebelde Way began


click para agrandarRebelde Way's second season began on Monday 10/03/03 at 20hs by Channel 9.

In the last week of January ErreWay were in Ecuador, promoting their first cd, "Señales".


Rebelde Way 2002