Chiquititas 2001


Album of figures

Chiquititas 2001

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The movie:

"Chiquititas, Rincón de luz"

Premiere, Thursday 19/7/01.

It was a success and it was in the cinemas until Wednesday 19/12/01.

The movie has been seen in the cinemas of Israel in December of 2001.

Audistory of Luisana

Luisana tells you...

The chiquis to the rescue of the window

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Book     +        cd     

Theater of Chiquititas 2001 finished

From July 7th, in the Gran Rex theater.

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29 y 30/9 FAREWELL!!!! 

Last 4 functions from the history of Chiquititas!!!!

With Romina Yan's special performance like "Belén".

"Chiquititas La Historia" finished

On Friday 31/8/01 "La Historia" finished.

Luisana has boyfriend!!

She confirmed it in Terra's videochat on 11/8/01

Is not any boy of the cast.

[This finishes with false rumors that circulated in internet]

CD with the music of the movie "Chiquititas, Rincón de Luz"

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You can see front and back cover. Also the list of songs.

The book of Chiquititas, Rincón de luz

It has many excellent pictures from the filming of the movie.

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CD of Chiquititas Vol. 7

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You can see front and back cover. Also the list of songs.

Sight of Clarín newspaper

Who did reduce the kids?

This year, juvenile's telenovela Chiquititas (Telefé) will be aired the weekends and not from Monday to Friday, as made it in all its previous seasons. But also, although they already had taped more of twenty chapters (with Agustina Cherri like main character) the TV show would go like miniserie of around 10 chapters. It would be being aired in June or July.

Sight of Pronto magazine